We are in a spiritual battle. The enemy of our souls would want us to think our battle was merely with other people, that way he can do his nefarious work unnoticed. Paul tells us though that our battle in a not with flesh and blood, but with principalities a powers, with spiritual forces of wickedness in heavenly places. Does this information change your perspective. Our battles are spiritually…yes they manifest in the flesh, but there source is Satan, fallen angels, and demons. That being the case we cannot battle in the flesh, we must battle in the Spirit. The Lord has prepared us for this battle…what has He given us? He has given us truth…the Lord Jesus said the He is our Truth. He has given us righteousness…not our own, but His righteousness. He has given us the Gospel…the promise of God for genuine peace to all who believe. He has given us faith…our faith protects us when the enemy attacks with his fiery darts. He has given us salvation…this salvation both protects our minds and renews our minds. He has given us His Word…our source of truth and nourishment for our souls. Finally, He has given us prayer…so that we can stay connected to Him as we engage in this battle. It is important for us to realize we truly are in a battle…and that we have been commanded to both stand and withstand the attacks of our enemy.
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