In God’s perfect timing God sent His Son, Jesus. Born not of the seed of man, but of the seed of women. The Holy Spirit moved upon Mary who was a virgin, and she conceived a Son…one who is fully God and fully human. Not being born of the seed of Adam, Jesus was conceived and born perfect…without the nature of sin that we are all born with. He was born under the law, and He kept that law perfectly…something that neither Adam, or any other human was, or is, able to do. When we come into faith through Jesus we are no longer slaves to sin, but we are now the God’s own children. Since we are His children we are now heirs…that is we receive the inheritance as children of our Father, for we are not slaves any longer. False teachers will come and try to steal our inheritance by trying to convince us contrary to the truth we have received in Christ. They will push their man-made religion, which would enslavement us again. Our old nature will try to pull us back into that religious way of living, for that is our comfort zone. But, we must resist going there for it will only bring frustration, heavy burdens, and bondage. In Christ we have been given a relationship with God our Father, freedom to live apart from sin, and a life walking in a living and vital relationship with Jesus.
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