Does God work in your life to bring you salvation because you are good enough, or because you have kept His law? If it was based on our goodness…at what point are we good enough? And if it was based on our keeping the law…which of us have done that perfectly? It is through Biblical faith that we received salvation, and that comes by the grace (unmerited favor) of God. If we earned it, then it is not a gift. If we earned it, then God was obligated to give us salvation…in other words God owed it to us. God owes us nothing, it is because of His goodness that we are able to be saved, not because of our goodness. The law condemned us, and Jesus rescued us from the curse the law put on us. The law shows us what we are really like, and drives us to the Lord. Why would God saves us? Now that is a huge question that I don’t think our minds can fully fathom. But Paul reminds us that our salvation makes us the very children of God. Salvation is more than a ticket to heaven…it is a welcome into the family of God! There is no room in our faith for boasting of our goodness or worthiness, for those do not exist apart from the grace of God that brings us salvation. Thank you Lord for Your unfathomable gift of salvation.
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