John 14 is a very personal chapter that starts in the upper-room and reaches to eternity. Jesus is a very personal Savior…while He certainly cares for His church overall, and He cares about all creation…He cares for each one of His followers very much. He knows those who belong to Him, and He has given us a great promise in this chapter. This chapter is not for the world, but for the genuine followers of Jesus. He promises that we do not have to live with hearts filled with trouble. As we trust in Him, He will take care of all our needs. He affirms His cares by telling us that He has taken care of eternity for us. Now, if the Lord has taken care of eternity for His followers, we can be sure He is taking care of today and tomorrow. Jesus also promises to come and take us to be with Him in that eternal home that He has prepared just for us. Jesus does not just lead the way, Jesus is the Way! All that we look for and need in this life we have in Jesus…He is the Way, the Truth, & the Life. We can only come to God through Jesus…there is no other way to salvation. We can only know the Father, we can only have forgiveness of sin, and we can only experience the promise of eternal life, through Jesus! Jesus tells us that if we really love Him, we will keep His commandments. The evidence that Jesus is our Lord and Savior is that we do what He commands. Because we belong to Him, His commandments are not burdensome, but they are pleasant and wonderful to us. Finally, Jesus promises the Holy Spirit to all who put their faith and trust in Him. We don’t walk around wandering in confusion…the Holy Spirit affirms we belong to Jesus and He guides every one of our steps.
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