Jeremiah’s lament continues, he is in a dark place…and knows that the Lord is judging Judah. That judgment not only affects the guilty, but it affects the innocent. It is a reminder to us that our own choices, our own sins, not only affect us…they will always affect all those around us. In his despair Jeremiah reminds himself of the promise of God’s salvation…therefore he has hope. He declares the truth that it is better to be in the hands of God, even in judgment, than to be in the hands of unjust men. Jeremiah does not turn his back on God, but continues to call on the name of the Lord. He shares his sorrows with the Lord in how the wicked have treated him…and trusts his cause to the hands of God. We need to do this also. Sometimes we think it would be easier to try to defend ourselves, and fight back, against those who attack us. We are called to give our cause to the Lord…He is better able to deal with our enemies than we are. The Psalmist echoes this truth, as he calls for the Lord’s deliverance from the hands of his enemies. As we walk in the Lord we will always have enemies. Remember, it is not that they primarily hate us, but they hate God. As you and I live in a land that hates God, we as His followers will be hated also. It should be more than alright to us that we are hated for the cause of Christ. The Lord is our covering …He is our preparation for the battles we have to face. Let me encourage you to never enter a day without putting on the whole armor of God…that you will be able to stand against the enemies of God.
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