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  • Writer's picturePastor Tony Pierce



Who knows how the Holy Spirit moves? Is there anything we can do to MAKE Him move? Or, should we be a people who remain prepared for when the Holy Spirit decides to move? On God’s appointed day, in His appointed time, just as Jesus promised…the Holy Spirit comes and births the church of the Lord Jesus Christ. He came in such power and in an unusual way that no one who had received Him and were part of the church could doubt that this was the fulfillment of Jesus’ promise…a group of believers now filled with the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit of God. The Holy Spirit came to the church at Pentecost, and He has never left. Sadly, He has been ignored, while the church decided it would rather be led by men, rather than by God. The church has become rich with the things of this world, but pitifully poor with the things of God…we are Laodicea. The Holy Spirit moves in Peter and gives him knowledge as to what was happening at Pentecost…and Peter boldly stands and proclaims the truth of the Lord. We see the early church as a transformed group of followers of Jesus, who walked in the power of the Holy Spirit. The evidence is that they studied God’s truth together, they fellowshiped, and they prayed. The presence of God in His followers brought fear on all the people, and they were convicted and brought to faith by the Holy Spirit. They even loved one another so much that they would not let a brother or sister have a need that was not met. They were privileged to see daily those who were being born again. Oh Lord, I pray this for our day…thank you Holy Spirit for never leaving us, now help us surrender to you.

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