MAY 25 READING…1 SAMUEL 27-29 & PSALM 31 & 57
In our lives the Lord may lead us into some very difficult places, and we may have to live through some very difficult times. David had to leave his own country and go and join with the Philistines. There is no way that could have been a comfortable, or easy situation. But, during this time in his life, this is the path that the Lord had for him. Even in his exile from his own people, and his own land, David kept his faith and trust in the Lord. Unlike David, Saul, who no longer had Samuel to go to for a word from the Lord, instead turned to a witch. He did this in violation of God’s clear teaching about staying away from witchcraft, soothsayers, fortune tellers, and the occult. Times were hard for both David and Saul…David turned to God, Saul turned away from God to the occult. The psalmist reminds us to trust in the Lord wherever He, or life, takes us. We need to trust in the Lord even in the very difficult times…those times when we don’t know why things are so hard. The world has no answers…the Lord is the only One with the answers we need. We have never been guaranteed this life will be easy, nor were we told that we would only be sent to places where we are loved and accepted. Jesus said, “In this world you will have trials and tribulation, but be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world.” This is His promise to us…let’s look only to Jesus as we walk through this life, no matter what comes.
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