Both our readings in 1 KINGS and in 1 CORINTHIANS end with the men of God working in the lives of those who would follow them and continue the ministry. For Elijah it was Elisha…for Paul it was Apollos in Corinth. This is so important…because the work of the Lord is bigger than any single person, and every generation needs God called leadership. There is also a dynamic we see in 1 Kings in the story of Elijah defeating the 450 prophets of Baal. Elijah boldly calls the people to decide if they believed that God is God, and if so to follow Him, or they could follow their false gods. Elijah demonstrated in a great way that only God is God…only God hears and acts in the affairs of mankind…the other gods are incapable of doing anything, for they are no god at all. In faith Elijah stands and sees the Lord’s victory, and then he hears that the evil Jezebel is out to kill him, and he runs in fear…and even gets to the point where he thinks he is the only one following God. God showed Elijah how He works in the lives of His people most of the time…not in the earthquake, not in the wind, not in the fire…but in a still small voice. Yes God does the miraculous when He chooses…but most of the time it is simply His wonderful presence in our lives that makes all the difference. God showed Elijah that there were 7000 in Israel who were following Him. God is very present in our lives, rarely do we get to see the spectacular…mostly it is His presence as we live our lives that makes all the difference.
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