It is interesting that on this day that we celebrate our country’s freedom that we read from Paul about our liberty as believers, and how we are to live in freedom. As free believers we are to live in that freedom, but to always remember those who are weak in their faith. We will always have these weak ones around us, because as we have new believers, it will take them time to grow in their faith. Some still struggle with the guilt of eating things that were forbidden under the law, even though they are free from that law. Don’t despise them or condemn them, but love them as a weaker part of the family. Some continue to see certain days as special, and even sacred. Again, don’t condemn them…but let those who are mature esteem each day as a gift from God, and live the day for the Lord. We do not live unto ourselves, but we live our lives unto the Lord…here is we find true freedom.
Paul tells us in our liberty in Christ we are completely free…but we need to be sure not to be a stumbling block to another believer in living that freedom. If another believer is offended by your food, then don’t rub your freedom in their face. Love them enough to refrain from eating it in front of them. Loving like this brings peace and joy from the Holy Spirit. It is true that we are completely free, but our freedom should never be used as a weapon against another believer. If we claim to be mature Christians, then let’s act like it, and care more for the weaker believers around us than we do in exercising our rights. Live in faith…for whatever is not of faith is sin.
Please share your thoughts from today’s reading.