In this chapter the Lord warns against judging. This is probably the most known verse, and the most misunderstood verse in the Bible. People in sin want to say, “judge not”, when anyone might confront them of their sin. This verse is not saying that we ought not to say something to someone when they are active in sin. Nor is it saying that we have no right to point out what the Scripture says about a moral issue that someone is involved in that is contrary to what God has said. To tell someone what the Scripture says about sin, even if they are involved in it, is not judging…it is stating truth. This verse warns us to be careful that we do not condemn people, for only the Lord knows the soul of people. The Lord teaches us to ask if we need something…we have a loving Heavenly Father who wants to give us what we need. We do need to be careful to treat others as we want to be treated…this does not mean we have to agree with everyone about everything. Jesus tells us that there is a narrow way that leads to salvation…He is the only way. Be careful of false prophets and false teachers. Finally, He teaches us to build our lives on a sure foundation. The only foundation that can stand in this sin-fallen world is Jesus.
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