(You will notice that I inadvertently did today’s yesterday, so I am doing yesterday’s today)
Today’s theme is a reminder that when our heart is not right with God we are able to do some horrific things. As believers our number one call is to be surrendered and controlled by the Holy Spirit, when we are we will not sin, for the Holy Spirit will never lead us into sin. We believers sin when we walk in the flesh rather than the spirit. In the flesh we are actually capable of doing anything a lost person can do. I would say that our primary sin as Christians is the decision to walk in the flesh, rather than walking in the Holy Spirit. We are new creatures in Christ Jesus…He has changed us from the inside out. When we choose to return to being controlled by our flesh, we return to a sinful life. We each need to confess that we have sinned in walking in the flesh, and return to a surrendered life of walking in the Holy Spirit.
Joseph was given a dream by God…his brothers did not like what this dream revealed, so in jealousy and in anger they decided to murder Joseph. Only by the hand of God was Joseph saved from being killed, but he was sold into slavery by his own brothers. The desire of the flesh is strong, and it was for the sons of Jacob. They sold their brother, they lied to their father, and they lived with guilt because they followed their sinful flesh rather than following God. Judah was led by his flesh, when after his wicked sons were killed by God, he sought a prostitute…not knowing it was his daughter-in-law that he had originally deceived. The flesh destroys families. In Matthew, Jesus tells us that defilement comes from within. When our heart is right with God, our actions will reflect it. Conversely, when our heart is not right it’s God, are actions will show this. God does not desire our empty religious rhetoric…He desires our hearts.
Please share your thoughts.