Many people like “tradition”, because it is a place of comfort and stability. But what if your tradition is not based in truth…or it is based in the misapplication of the truth? Jesus found this to be true in the Jewish religious leaders who continually came against Him and His ministry. They had actually raised their tradition about biblical truth, thereby replacing biblical truth. This approach would create a never-ending conflict between Jesus and the religious leaders. They, like so many today, these religious leaders stuck on their tradition were seldom right, but never in doubt. They were unwilling to receive God’s revelation of His truth through His Son, Jesus. Jesus could have just stopped because of the opposition of the religious dead-heads of His day, but He kept on doing what He was sent to do. He healed the Gentile woman’s daughter, He healed many people in the region of the Galilee, and for a second time He feeds thousands with just a small portion of food. Don’t let anyone stop you from doing what God has called you to do.
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