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Writer's picturePastor Tony Pierce



Welcome to the New Year! Wonder what this new year will hold? I am sure it will be filled with both good and difficult things, just like every year that has preceded this one. For me in the 50 years I have been a child of God, through thick and thin, good and bad, plenty and little, the Lord has always been faithful. There has not been a time or an event that I have had to face and some have been very difficult, that the Lord has not been there providing all that I have needed. So, though I don't know what the new year holds...I do know that He who promises to never leave me or forsake me will be there, being God in every situation and circumstance. I want to intentionally follow the Lord all the days of my life and know that He is the Anchor that holds regardless of the storm.

I am not a resolution maker, nor am I one who tries to make a lot of promises. I am always concerned that I will easily break them and then what I say will lose any integrity. I want to follow my Lord...I want to be used by Him for His Kingdom...I want to see people come to salvation and a strong walk in Jesus. I want to love others in Jesus...I want to be an encourager...I want to minister in people's lives. I want to stand strong in truth...I want to be unafraid to walk in the Lord...I want my yes to be yes and my no to be no. As I think of all these things I would want to be true in my life. I realize I can't do them, so for me to make a resolution to do so would be a waste of time. Through my years of walking in faith I have come to realize that only Christ can do these things in my I must be surrendered to Him, filled with His Spirit and intentionally submitted to Christ every day. Does that sound like a resolution? Well it's really not; because I can't do those things either. It is Christ in me who accomplishes all things. So, come on new year...for I know Jesus is Lord and I know He is able to do all that He has promised!

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