The world hates Jesus. The religious community hates Jesus. Oh, they don’t mind the concept of Jesus…as long as they can “create” Him in their own image. But, they hate the biblical Jesus…because their lord hates Jesus. In our reading today, the religious leaders and the people demonstrate their hatred for Jesus, and how far they are from God. We are moving towards the cross, and none of this is a surprise to the Lord, for He had already prophesied this would happen, and He is even anointed in Bethany in preparation for Him being the sacrifice. One that followed Him betrayed Him…and another denies that he even knows the Lord. Jesus is taken before an illegal, unethical, “kangaroo” court and “tried”. This should not surprise us, because we know that there is no integrity or justice in this world…nor should followers of Christ expect justice from this world which has Satan as it’s head. They lied about Jesus…the perverted His clear teachings…and they showed their hearts were filled with murder. Now I ask you to think with me…liar, perversion, and murder…who does that sound like? Jesus told His disciples that the world hated Him, and because they are following Him the world would hate them. We seem to be surprised that the world hates us…don’t be, our Savior said it would be this way. And let me encourage you…don’t be afraid of them. They are limited in what they can do to us…and what they can never do is touch who we are in Christ. Stay strong in the Lord, and realize you are a sojourner on this earth…this is not our home.
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