John’s attention is drawn to the scroll in the Lord’s hand that was sealed with seven seals. The angel asks the question of who is worthy to take the scroll and open it. The answer is that no one, anywhere is worthy to open the scroll…that is except the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David has prevailed and is worthy to open the scroll. Then John saw in the midst of the throne a Lamb that had been slain, but was alive in the fullness of the glory of God. He took the scroll from the Father who sat on the throne, and the four living creatures feel down before the Lamb in worship…again proving the Deity of the Lamb.
Who is this Lamb, that is worthy of the worship of heaven? He is certainly God, for only God is to be worshiped. The song of the four living creatures reveals to us the identity of the Lamb, so there needs to be no speculation. He was slain, and redeemed us to God by His blood. The Lamb is the Lord Jesus Christ…our Redeemer and Lord. The One who died on the cross, but who overcame death by His Resurrection. At this declaration of the throng of heaven fell joined in by saying, “Worthy is the Lamb who was slain”. He is worthy to receive all things for He is our Redeemer and God. And the heavenly host fell on their faces and worshiped Him!
Please share your thoughts from today’s reading.