DECEMBER 22, 2021 READINGS... 1 Peter 2:4-5:11
Peter continues his letter, and as he does so he continues to give doctrinal truth and encouragement to the believers in the first century who are under pressure for their faith. The time we are heading toward will also be times of great pressure on the church…it has always been so in certain parts of the world, but it is about to be global. For the world hates Jesus…so they will certainly hate His church. So, Peter’s writing is crucial for us to understand, receive, and apply in our time.
The doctrinal truths that Peter reminds us of are important for us to know. We are not dead, but alive in Christ…and Jesus uses us as living stones to build His church. Jesus is the “Cornerstone” …everything is built from Him…and if we are not in line with the “Cornerstone”, we are not right. Peter instructs us as the people of God to live for God. We are called to holiness, rather than spending our whole lives chasing after sin. In Christ we are to be finished with sin. Peter speaks of the reality that the end of the world is coming. Though there will be scoffers, Peter instructs us to do six things. To be watchful in prayers…have a fervent love for one another…be hospitable, without grumbling…minister in the gift you have been given…speak the as if God is speaking through us…and do all we do in God’s work with our all.
The encouragement that Peter gives is so needed in our times, as they were in the first century. We are encouraged to respect those who authority over us. Husbands and wives are encouraged to honor one another in the unique place that God has put them in the family. Christians everywhere are encouraged to be of one mind…to have a humble attitude…and treat one another with the love of Christ. Peter encourages those who are suffering, and those who will suffer for Christ. Finally, he encourages the elders to care for the flock…understanding that God Himself has entrusted us with His sheep. He calls the young men to respect the God-given authority in the church. He tells us to stay alert in these days…and to share the eternal message of Christ.
Please share your thoughts from today’s reading.
TOMORROW’S READINGS… 1 Peter 2:4-5:11