What do you look at in your life to determine that God loves you, accepts you, and approves of your walk? Most of us are “prosperity” light in our view of God’s work in our life. We good things happen, that is things that we like, we believe that God is blessing us for our faith. And when bad things happen, that is things we don’t like, we assume God is punishing us. What if your faithfulness to God, your faith in God, and your “good” living brings trouble? What if, because of your faithfulness, God knows He can use your testimony of faith through hard times…and He chooses to have you walk through those hard times. Are you okay with trusting God, and not doubting His love for you? There is a song titled “Even If”, by Mercy Me, I encourage you to give it a listen. We know God can do all things, but what if He chooses not to do them for us in a particular situation? Are we still going to trust Him..are we still going to believe…are we still going to love Him? We don’t always have the mind of God in every situation, but we do have the presence of God in all things. The Psalmist reminds us to do walk, speak, and do what is right all the time…and we can trust in God in all things.
Please share your thoughts.