Jesus continues to speak to His disciples, and to us. He wants to make sure we do not stumble in our walk. He speaks of a time when they will be persecuted and even killed because of their faith in Him, and their murderers will believe they are doing the work of God. History is filled with this truth…true believers have always had to face persecution and death from godless religions who believed they were doing the work of God…but they actually were doing the work of their god, Satan. Jesus tells His followers that He is going away, but it would be better for them because He departs. Better because of His sacrifice on the cross that will make them right with God, better because the Holy Spirit would then fill them and empower them to follow Jesus. The Holy Spirit convicts the lost world of sin, God’s righteousness, and God’s judgment. But for the believer the Holy Spirit will bring them truth, He will guide them, and He will always glorify Jesus.
The second portion of chapter 16 Jesus tells His disciples about His coming death, and ultimate resurrection. It is clear they did not fully understand what Jesus was trying to share with them…but the day would come when they would. He knew the sorrow they would experience, but He wanted them to know that on the other side of the sorrow would be great joy. We can understand this at a certain level, as we have all lost loved ones. It is so hard, yet we know that loss is not going to last forever. On the other side of our loss will be the great joy of a glorious reunion in heaven. Jesus reassures the disciples that they are loved by God. For me, there is nothing more reassuring than to know that God loves me enormously. I don’t know why He does, but I am so glad He does. Jesus asks the disciples if they believe, because they are about to be scattered… each will abandon Jesus. For what Jesus was about to do, only He could do…and He must do it alone.
Please share your thoughts from today’s reading.