Followers of Jesus who read His Word, do not have to wonder where this world is headed. One also has to acknowledge the the centrality of Israel when it comes to prophecy. The whole nation of Israel is about the size of New Jersey…you can fit 8 Israel’s in the state of Arizona. Yet, anything that happens in Israel is world news. We have had genocide in huge countries in Africa, and it hardly is a blip upon the evening news…but let anything happen in Israel and it is the lead story. Why? Because, of their position as God’s chosen nation…all prophecy involves Israel. That is why we continually watch Israel…the secular news does it, without even knowing why they do it. The United Nations hates Israel without even knowing why. Ignorant progressives in our own country hate Israel without knowing why. Israel remains in the center of God’s prophetic plan. In Ezekiel today we read of what is going to happen as all the nations of the earth turns against Israel. Over 2500 years ago the prophet tells us the how, and the who, that will bring in the end of this world. Israel’s enemies will attack on all sides, and Israel enemies will be destroyed by the Lord…then we enter the millennial reign of Christ. In Acts we see the transformation of the followers of Christ from frightened followers, to bold proclaimers of the Gospel. We see the power of God not only transform these in their boldness, but also working great miracles through them. I remind you my Christian brothers and sisters…He is the same God today!
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