The government and the religious elite have always vehemently opposed and persecuted the true church, it has always been Satan’s program. We see recorded here in Acts 12, as the Jewish king and the religious leaders continue to persecute the followers of Jesus. They placed Peter and James in prison. James is killed by the order of Herod…and he saw that his act of murder pleased the Jewish religious leaders he also planned to kill Peter, but had to wait until after the high holy days. Peter was waiting in prison, while the church prayed continually for him. An angel from the Lord appears in Peter’s cell, the chains fell off him and the angel led him to freedom. Peter went to the house where the other believers were praying for his release. A girl named Rhoda answered the gate, she was so excited that it was Peter that she ran back in to tell everyone, and did not even open the gate for Peter. The people praying did not believe what the girl had told them, but Peter kept knocking on the gate and they came out to find him…they were astonished. It’s just like we followers of Jesus to spend time praying, then the Lord answers our prayers, but we don’t believe it when he does. There are certainly times when we don’t get to see the answer to our prayers, but when we pray we need to do so with anticipation that God can and will answer. Herod searched for Peter, but could not find him. Herod continues to blaspheme God, and the angel struck him so that he was eaten by worms and died.
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