Isaiah is one of the major prophets of the Old Testament. This means he prophesied over all long period of time and spoke of many different issues. I am not sure how much of his prophecies he personally understood, or if he just spoke what the Holy Spirit told him to, without a full understanding of the meaning. It is also clear that his prophecies were broken into different categories, as far of when they would happen. Chapter 28 is a great example of this in the words he spoke. Some of his prophecies happened immediately…some happened in a hundred years…some happened seven hundred years…and some have yet to happen. What is clear is that some of his prophecies are history to us. They have amazingly been fulfilled just as Isaiah said…this should not totally amaze us, as the prophet’s words came from God. Because of what we have seen come to pass from the book of Isaiah, we can have complete confidence that what he said about what is yet to come, will come to pass. In Revelation we also have prophecy that is in the future of mankind. In chapter 10 John opens a book of prophecy given to him by the angel of God. This is the book of prophecy that the Lord told Daniel to seal up until the proper time…that proper time came when John was on the Island of Patmos. Like almost all prophecy when John received it, it was sweet…but soon turned to bitter. God has told us where this world is going…and what is going to happen. We must trust and follow the Lord’s sure word of prophecy…and most importantly, we must be ready through faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
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