Do you know your position in Christ Jesus as a believer? Paul says we are raised up in Christ…and our position is with Him in heaven, our life is hidden with Christ in God. Literally, when God sees us, He sees us in His Son. We are then to seek those things above. We are to set our minds on things above. In this life then we are to put off fornication, unclean things, unholy passions, evil desires, and covetousness which is idolatry. These things bring the wrath of God, not the blessings of God. We once walked in these things, but now our position has change in Christ, and we need to put these things to death in our bodies. When we do this our practice will match our position. As we grow we are also called to have nothing to do with anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy language, and lies. We put on the new person in Jesus…and we walk in the new creation that Jesus has made us.
What does this new man look like? Paul tells us what our walk will look like when we walk in our position that we have in Jesus. We will be holy, having gentle mercy for each other. We will be kind, humble, meek, and long-suffering. We will encourage one another, and we must forgive one another as Christ has forgiven us. But above all things we are called to love one another. As we do this the peace of God will rule in our lives…bringing forth thankfulness. We are called to be in the Word of God…to let it be our daily bread that nourishes us. We are called to dwell in the Word receiving wisdom from the Lord as we teach and admonish one another. The basis of what we do, and do not do is found in this phrase…” And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the Name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” If you ever wonder should you do something or not, ask yourself, “can I do this representing who Jesus Christ is?”
Please share your thoughts from today’s reading.