OCTOBER 20, 2021 READINGS... John 11:38-57 & Luke 17:11-18:8
From yesterday’s reading and carrying on to today we have the occurrence of the death of Lazarus, a good friend of Jesus. Lazarus lived with his sisters, Mary and Martha, in Bethany, a short distance from Jerusalem. A message was sent to Jesus that Lazarus was gravely ill…Jesus said that Lazarus’ sickness would not lead to death. Jesus did not rush to Bethany, but instead remained where He was for two more days. This all is a timing issue…God’s perfect timing. Jesus tells his disciples that Lazarus is sleeping…they did not comprehend that Jesus was saying that he had died. When Jesus arrived in Bethany He is told that Lazarus had been dead for four days. Then we have one of the most powerful discussions in the Scripture between Jesus and Martha…leading to Jesus declaring, “I am the resurrection and the life, anyone who believes in Me shall never die”. Jesus weeps because of the unbelief all around Him. Then He goes to the tomb…He calls Lazarus by name, and says “come out!” Lazarus stands up and walks out of the grave that he had been in for four days. This certainly got around, and the religious leaders were very worried that people would leave them and begin to follow Jesus. So, under Caiaphas’ leadership they began to plot how to kill Jesus.
Luke tells us of Jesus healing ten lepers. Out of the ten only one returns to thank Jesus for what He did for them. The Pharisees question Jesus about the Kingdom of God. They did this because clearly, they believed if it was coming it would come through them, and it would be visible. But Jesus once again turned their preconceived ideas upside down. Jesus talked about the judgment that would come upon Israel particularly, and that they would long to see the Son of Man, but would not. The disciples wanted to know when this would happen, Jesus spoke of the signs that would come and indicate that the end was near. (There is a more specific answer to the disciple’s question in Matthew 24). Finally, Jesus shares a story with the disciples about praying and never giving up…He tells the story of the persistent widow. It is a reminder for us to continue in prayer before the Lord until He gives a clear and final answer. Never stop praying, for who knows we might be one prayer away from an answer.
Please share any insight you received from today’s reading.
TOMORROW’S READINGS… Luke 18:9-14 & Mark 10:1-12 & Matthew 19:1-12 &
Mark 10:13-16 & Matthew 19:13-15 & Luke 18:15-17 & Mark 10:17-31 & Matthew 19:16-30 & Luke 18:18-30