Today’s reading reminds us how the Lord puts people in our lives to come along side of us and fulfill the ministry the Lord has called us to. I have been blessed all my life with those kind of people…too many for me to name, but I am so thankful to God for each of those special people. (Some of you reading this are part of that group of people in my life). For Paul there was a couple named Aquila and Priscilla, a business couple who were followers of Jesus. They came along side of Paul and were used of God in Paul’s ministry. We see the continued rejection of Christ by the Jews in this chapter, and the continued trusting in Jesus by the Gentiles.
The Jews continue their opposition, and tried to get the civil government to punish Paul for what he was teaching…much in the same way the Sanhedrin did with Jesus. This time though, the proconsul Gallio told them there was no crime for which to try Paul, and that they should deal with him within the boundaries of their religious authority. Paul travels back to Antioch, then to Galatia. We have Apollos who now comes on the scene. Apollos was a great preacher and orator, and was very strong when it came to both understand and sharing the Scripture, yet he did not know the full plan of God. God used Aquila and Priscilla to explain to Apollos more clearly the fulfillment of Jesus in the Scriptures. Later we see that Apollos becomes a mighty pastor in the early church.
Please share your thoughts from today’s reading.