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Writer's picturePastor Tony Pierce



In our reading today Jesus gives two parables, warns the Pharisees, and makes a statement about the sanctity of marriage.

The first parable is about the unjust servant. There was a rich man who had a servant who was his steward while misusing his position to take care of the man’s resources. The rich man called the servant to account about his stewardship. The servant knew he was in trouble, so he got busy calling in accounts, and doing it in a way to benefit his master. The master commended the servant for his wisdom in doing his work. Jesus used this parable to speak of how the Lord has called His people to be faithful in what the Lord has called them to. The second parable is about a rich man and Lazarus. Clearly the rich man was unrighteous, and Lazarus was a righteous man. Both died, the rich man went to torment in hades…Lazarus went into the bosom of Abraham (paradise). Jesus declared that there is no relief, or redoing, when it comes to eternity. And that even the Resurrection would not convince those who refuse to believe.

Jesus warns the Pharisees about their love of money, and how the justify themselves before man. But, they needed to understand that humans do not determine what is right…as a matter of fact, mankind’s view of right is an abomination to God. We only have to look at what is happening in our society to see how true this is. Jesus then tells them of the of how important marriage is, and that a man cannot treat his wife with disdain, and to do so was adultery. Marriage is holy before God, it is instituted of God. It is true that divorce happens…it is also true that we have a God of grace who brings redemption. We as followers of Christ need to hold the same view as our Lord concerning marriage, and not only marriage, but in all things.

Please share your thoughts from today’s reading.


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