Jesus taught His disciples some very valuable lessons on integrity. He said if someone is unfaithful in little things, they will be unfaithful in big things…and if they are faithful in small things, they will be faithful in large things. He also taught them that no one can serve two masters…we must decide who we are going to serve. It is impossible to faithfully serve more than one master…our love and loyalty to the Lord can not be divided. The moment it is, it is no longer love and loyalty. Then Jesus warned the lost religious leaders of what is to come for those who love this world, and the things of this world more than they love the Lord. He told of a rich man and a beggar named Lazarus. The beggar loved the Lord, while the rich man loved the world. They both died…Lazarus went to paradise, but the rich man went to hades, where he was in torment. We must decide now…do we love the world or do we love the Lord. Our decision has eternal consequences.
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