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  • Writer's picturePastor Tony Pierce



The religious leaders, who actually hated God in their hearts, continue to plot to destroy Jesus. Some would say, “Tony, how can you say they hated God?” Their hatred was evident when Jesus, God in the flesh, stood before them and instead of receiving Him, and giving Him the honor and worship He deserved, they sought to kill Him. If anyone should have known who Jesus was…it should have been these religious leaders. But, they were spiritual dead, and so steeped in their religion, that they missed the Lord that they claimed to believe in…what a pity. The week we are looking at was the week of Passover…the highest religious time for the Jewish people…what they could not see is that the Lamb of God was about to be slain for their sin…and sadly they would miss it. Jesus visits Simon, a former leper healed by Jesus, in Bethany. There a woman came with an alabaster jar filled with expensive oils and anoints Jesus…this precious act was in preparation for His burial. Think about it, after Jesus’ death on the cross there was no time to prepare His body, that is why the women came back on Sunday. But this lady was used of God to prepare His Son’s body, even before He died. Sadly, the face of ungodly false piety raised its head in this beautiful scene…but Jesus quickly calls it out, and declares the great act of ministry this woman did.

Judas meets with the Jewish religious leaders to plan how he would betray Jesus. Later on, when Jesus was praying in the Garden of Gethsemane Judas brings the authorities and turns Jesus over to them, betraying Him with a kiss. Jesus is taken to the high priest’s home where he is “tried” before the Sanhedrin (this religious counsel was made up of Pharisees and Sadducees). Prior to the betrayal and mock court, Jesus had His disciples prepare for Passover. Jesus and His disciples shared the Passover meal together, and Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper, as a memorial meal for what He came to do. In this supper Jesus predicts that Peter would deny Him three times. Of course, Peter denied that he would ever do such a thing…but after Jesus’ betrayal and while He was being accused and tried by the Sanhedrin, Peter found himself denying Jesus three times, just as Jesus said he would. Jesus left no doubt who He is as before the examining counsel of the Sanhedrin when He was asked, “Are You the Christ (Messiah), the Son of the Blessed (God)?” …Jesus responded, “I AM”. You see either Jesus is God, or He is delusional…or a deceiver. Who do you say that Jesus is? Your eternity hangs in the balance with your answer.

Please share your thoughts from today’s reading.


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