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Writer's picturePastor Tony Pierce


JULY 6 READINGS...Psalm 1-1 & 10 & 33 & 71 & 91

Our readings today in the Psalm are filled with God’s goodness, power, protection and love…you may recognize Psalm 91 as the “soldier’s Psalm”. I want to share my devotional from the perspective of Psalm 71: 17-18…”O God, You have taught me from my youth; And to this day I declare Your wondrous works. Now also when I am old and gray headed, O God, do not forsake me, Until I declare Your strength to this generation, Your power to everyone who is to come.” I want to share from this perspective…I was taught as a young person by faithful people who loved the Lord, and His Word. Now as an old man, I want to be able to share with you all what the Lord showed me in today’s reading.

First, let me share about what the Lord’s Word says the wicked are like…and this is not just the wicked in the generation that these Psalms were written, but the wicked in every generation. He says they are like chaff, scattered by the wind. They are condemned, waiting judgment…and they have no place among the godly. They are proud, they don’t “need” God…they even foolishly proclaim that God is dead. Their mouths are full of cursing, lies, and threats…because on the tips of their tongues there is nothing but trouble and evil. The lurk in the darkness to murder the innocent…they are like lions who pounce on the helpless… because they have deceived themselves to believe that God isn’t watching them. These are the wicked…those who have rejected God…who live according to their own perverse hearts, and submit themselves to the spirit of this age. Their end is condemnation…as a matter of fact they stand condemned already. Stay away from these people…do not receive their counsel…for out of their mouths flow the doctrines of demons.

Second, let me share about what the Lord’s Word says the godly are like…those who put their trust in God through His Son, Jesus. They are filled with the joy of the Lord…they find delight in the Word of God…and their lives are like well-watered trees bringing forth good fruit. They sing for joy to the Lord…for they know it is fitting and right to praise Him. Their nations are blessed because they belong to God. The Lord is a rock of safety for those who trust in Him. Their lives become examples to others of what it means to live and trust in the Lord. They find rest in the shadow of the Almighty…He is their shelter. The Lord promises to rescue those who love Him…and to protect those who trust in His Name. As you can see God always is there for His own people…He has promised us so much. It just makes rational sense to put our trust in the One who is able to do everything for us…we are so limited, time for us to trust the eternal One completely.

Please share your thoughts from today’s reading. Walk in the power of the Spirit of the Lord and you will live a life that is godly, and pleasing to the Lord. Every promise is yours and mine when we live in complete trust of our eternal God.


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