JANUARY 3, 2022 READING... Matthew 1
The emphasis of the book of Matthew is to show the Kingship of Christ. Matthew presents Jesus as the heir of David and the fulfillment of God’s promises to Abraham (1:1–17). He is the true King and the new Moses. He has come to fulfill the Law and the Prophets and usher in God’s kingdom. Matthew begins his gospel with the genealogy of Jesus that begins with proclaiming Jesus as the son of David...this genealogy begins with Abraham and continues through Joseph. It is interesting that Matthew is focused on the mathematics of this fulfillment and tells us that from Abraham to David are 14 generations…from David until the Babylonian captivity is 14 generations…and from the captivity in Babylon to Jesus’ is 14 generations. Seems that the Lord does everything He does with great order, and in a particular pattern.
Only Matthew and Luke deal with the birth of Christ in their gospels. Matthew’s perspective of Christ’s nativity is more focused on Joseph, Jesus’ earthly father. The genealogy as we said comes through Joseph, and the announcement in Matthew is given to Joseph. When Mary was found with child of the Holy Spirit, before Joseph knew the source of her pregnancy, we learn things about Joseph in his response to all this. We see Joseph is a just man…he was orthodoxic, a keeper of God’s law. This makes sense as we consider the kind of man God would entrust His Son to be raised by. Joseph was a decent man…he loved Mary and did not want to put her to public shame, and possibly even a stoning. Joseph was responsive to God…when the angel of the Lord came and shared with Him God’s plan…Joseph by faith trusted in the Lord and did as the Lord commanded. Finally, Joseph was faithful…even though he married Mary, he did not have sexual relationship with her until after the birth of Jesus. While it is true that the advent of Christ is about Christ, we also can see that this narrative is also about those who God chose to use if fulfilling His wonderful eternal plan of salvation. Even the Name the angel told Joseph to give his son tells us this…” You shall call His Name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sin.”
God has a plan for your life also. You see, God uses people to fulfill His wonderful plan in this world…and you are an important part of His wonderful eternal plan. Please share any thoughts you have from today’s reading.
Please share your thoughts from today’s readings.