Today’s theme is that God cares about our lives. He cares about what is going on with us, both good and bad. He acts in the events and affairs of our lives. He promises to be with us wherever we go and whatever we do. In Genesis we have Issac blessing Jacob, then trusting him to God as he travels to his relatives. On the way God meets with Jacob, and God establishes His covenant with him, as He did with Abraham and Isaac. It would be through Jacob that God would bring the Messiah, and create the nation of Israel. The place where God met Jacob was called Luz, but Jacob change its name to Bethel…meaning House of God. God leads Jacob to Laban’s house where God works in Jacob’s life to provide Him wives and children. God takes care of Leah, who was not loved as was Rachel. We also see that Jacob and his father-in-law, Laban, have similar tendencies.
In Matthew we again see how God cares for people through the ministry of His Son Jesus. Jesus ministers to the untouchable, as He heals a leper. He then heals the servant of a Roman Centurion, even without ever seeing him. Peter’s mother-in-law was sick with a fever and Jesus heals her. Matthew tells us that Jesus even healed many on the Sabbath. Can you see how much God cares? Jesus tells His would be followers that the cost of being His disciples, would be everything they had and were. We see Jesus’ power when He calms the wind and the waves, once again showing how He cared for His disciples when they were filled with fear. Finally, Jesus set two men free from demons in the region of Gadara. As the Lord cared for all these in our reading today…please know that He cares for you.
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