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Writer's picture: Pastor Tony PiercePastor Tony Pierce


Mark 8 begins with Jesus serving the physical needs of a massive crowd of people. In this service of physical needs Jesus reveals an eternal truth about Himself. With seven loaves of bread and a few small fish Jesus feeds over 4000 people. When they had finished there were seven baskets full of food left over. Jesus showed Himself to be the one who is able to provide for our needs…He is the YHWH-Jireh of the Old Testament (God our provider). As God Jesus is able to take just a little and make it much. Sometimes we come to the Lord and say, “Lord, here I am ready to be used of you, but I don’t have much”. We need to always remember that Jesus doesn’t need much to do great things…truth is, Jesus doesn’t need anything from us to do great things. He privileges us to use us in His wonderful works. Jesus always shows that He is able to do “…exceedingly, abundantly above all that we could ask or think…”. Right after this miracle the Pharisees came to Jesus demanding a sign of proof He was sent from God…Jesus knew their hearts and that they would not believe, no matter what. Jesus gave them no sign, but left them, and then warned His disciples of the yeast of the Pharisees…in other words the way yeast impacts the whole loaf, the spiritual poison of the Pharisees permeates everything they touch.

Jesus then came to Bethsaida where a blind man was brought to Him. Once again Jesus serves another person meeting their physical need…revealing that Jesus had the power of sickness and infirmities. Jesus asked His disciples about who the people were saying that He is. The rumor was that Jesus was a great prophet that came back from the dead like John the Baptist, or Elijah. When Jesus ask the disciples who they believed Him to be…Peter inspired by the Holy Spirit spoke the eternal truth that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God. Jesus then began at this point to share with His disciples what He would face at the hands of the religious leaders…they would kill Him. Peter tried to rebuke Jesus…but instead, Jesus rebuked Peter and said that he was not mindful of the things of God, but was allowing Satan to influence his thinking and words. Finally, Jesus tells His disciples and us what it cost to be one of His genuine disciples. Jesus tells us that if we desire to really come after Him…we must deny ourselves, take up the cross, and follow Him. We must realize that our lives are not our own…we have been purchased with the precious blood of Jesus Christ. We must set our lives aside…we must never be ashamed of Jesus, for if we are He will be ashamed of us in the day of His return. I hope you are not ashamed of Jesus, or His Word…I hope you are not embarrassed to follow Him.

Please share your thoughts from today’s reading.


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