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FEBRUARY 10 READINGS…Exodus 29:1-31:18.

In today’s reading we see once again how specific the Lord is concerning the place and the priest when it comes to worshiping Him. He not only instructs Moses concerning these specifications, but also the Lord is the One who would provide the people who would fulfill the His requirements. From the High Priest to the craftsmen it is the Lord who appoints them…and equips them to do the task for which He has called them. Nothing has changed in this aspect…God is not merely assigning us to different duties…He has placed His call upon us and has given us His Holy Spirit to empower us to do what God has called us to. It has never been about the effort of man…that is empty religion…its always been about the Holy Spirit of God working through the people of God accomplishing the mission of God.

I would hope you noticed in today’s reading the amount of blood shed and required in order to make the High Priest and the other priests ready to serve in the Lord’s tabernacle. Only the blood made them ready to lead the Lord’s people to come into His presence. Without the blood even the priests could not come into the presence of God…nothing in them qualified them to do so…only the blood. This is a pre-cursor to the time when the Lamb of God, Jesus, would shed His blood…and in doing so removing the veil that separated us from the very presence of God. It is by His blood that we are qualified to come before the Lord…apart from that blood we are not accepted. This is why Jesus, and Him alone, is the only way to the Father. “…no one can come to the Father, except by Me.” are the words of Jesus in John 14:6. It is by His blood alone we are brought into a relationship with a Holy God…for by His blood our sins have been paid for and forgiven.

Finally, you read about the purpose of the Sabbath for the people of Israel. The Lord told Moses to tell Israel that the Sabbath is a sign of the covenant that He has made with them. Therefore they were required to keep the Sabbath holy…no work…it is to be a day of rest unto the Lord. The Lord said this covenant would be an everlasting covenant between the Lord and the people of Israel. We in the church are told in Hebrews 4 that we also have a Sabbath…but our Sabbath is a Person rather than a day…our Sabbath is the Lord Jesus Christ…and we are to always rest in Him completely.

Please share your insights from today’s reading. Again, let the Lord feed you from His Word…let it nourish you and build you up in the faith. Trust the Lord…and trust His Word with every fiber of your being…you will find that your trust is well placed.

TOMORROW’S READINGS…Exodus 32:1-34:35.

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