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Writer's picture: Pastor Tony PiercePastor Tony Pierce

Updated: Jan 3, 2022

DECEMBER 8, 2021 READINGS... Ephesian 5:15-6:24 & Colossians 1:1-23

Today we finish the book of Ephesians. Paul tells us that we are to live by and in the Holy Spirit’s power. The days are evil, and without being empowered by the Holy Spirit, even the most devoted believer sets themselves up to fall into sin. This is true in the husband-wife relationship…and in the parent-child relationship…and in our place of employment. We are called to put on the whole armor of God so that we may stand against the wiles of the devil. What do this mean? Paul uses a visual of a Roman soldier to help us to understand what it means to be a thoroughly equipped follower of Christ…standing in this evil day. Put on…the belt of truth…the breastplate of righteousness…shoes of the peace of the Gospel…the shield of faith…the helmet of salvation…and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. Keep praying for one another, especially that the Gospel of salvation might be shared. Without this wonderful God-given equipment, we would be powerless to stand in these dark days.

We start reading the book of Colossians today. Whereas, Ephesians emphasis is the church of Christ…Colossians emphasis is the Christ of the church. Paul commends the church at Colossi for their great faith and love for all God’s people. Then he reminds us of the truth of who Jesus actually is. He is the image of the invisible God…God in the flesh. He is eternal and sovereign over all creation. All that was created was done so through Him, and by Him…both the things seen and the things unseen. All that is was not only created by Him…it was created for Him. He pre-exists all creation, and holds it together by His power. Jesus is the Head of the church, which is His body. He is the first one to rise from the dead…and Lord of all who rise from the dead. He is preeminent in all things. Simply, but magnificently state…Jesus is God. Through Christ we are reconciled to God…and only through Christ is this possible…because of His finished work on the cross. We were once far from God, we were God’s enemies. Jesus has reconciled us to God, and made us holy. Therefore, we are called to stay in Christ, walk in Christ, be obedient to Christ, and trust in Christ implicitly for all things.

Please share your thoughts from today’s reading.

TOMORROW’S READINGS… Colossians 1:24-4:18

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