An angel from heaven came down and with a great chain binds the dragon, that is the Devil and Satan, and casts him into the bottomless pit. Notice that Satan is not thrown into hell (the lake of fire)…not yet. He is to be bound for 1000 years, to be released on the earth for a set period of time. For 1000 years the saints of God who were martyred for not worshiping the beast, will rule and reign with Christ. Notice the literal amount of time, and the literal reign. The others who had died will not be raised until the end of the 1000 years. The first resurrection is for those who are in Christ. Those not resurrected in Christ will have to face eternal death. After a thousand years Satan is released and leads a rebellion against Christ…of course he loses, and is finally thrown into the lake of fire. Satan is not the “king of hell”…he is tormented in hell.
This chapter closes by telling us about the great white throne of judgment. You don’t want to be with the group standing before the Lord at this judgment. Notice that these people are judged according to THEIR works…where we believers are judge according to JESUS’ work. No one standing at the great white thrown will have eternal life…but they will have their day of judgment. Death and Hades, along with all these lost souls will be thrown into the lake of fire (hell). Today is the day to get right with God…judgment day is coming, it is sure. Today is the day to put your trust in Jesus alone, for He is the One who has the promise of eternal life.
Please share your thoughts from today’s reading.