In chapter 5 we have Paul’s instructions to Pastor Timothy on how the pastor ought to treat members of the church. Treat older men with respect, as you would a father. Even when you exhort them, do so with respect. Treat younger men as a brother. Treat older women as you would your mother, and younger women as sisters. Paul then speaks on the issue of widows in the church. He makes it clear in verse 16 that first the widows are the responsibility of their family…this frees up the church to minister to the widows who have no family (widows indeed). The widow who has no family is called to live a biblical life, as she is not only under the care of the church, she represents the church in her conduct. This instruction for the church to take care of the widows is for those who are past marrying age…those who have been, and are faithful…and those who have done the good works of a believer. The younger widows are instructed to remarry, and fulfill their lives.
Paul then speaks of the relationship of the elder/pastor and the church. As the pastor labors in the church, the church is responsible to makes sure the elder receives double honor, and suitable wages. This enables the pastor to focus in the ministry. The church is not to receive an accusation against the pastor/elder, except where there are two or three witnesses…meaning these have personally seen what the elder is accused of. The pastor then is charged by the Apostle to rebuke sinners in the presence of all, for an individual’s sin affects the whole body. A pastor must not be prejudice, or show partiality…but treat all equally. He must not act hastily, or enter into other peoples sin. He must realize that some things are easily seen and discerned, while other things are harder to see and discern. This is true of both righteousness and unrighteousness in people’s lives.
Please share your thoughts from today’s reading.