Since Paul’s first letter, that we just read, the seeds of false doctrine have been sown among the believers in Thessalonica, causing them to waiver in their faith. In this letter Paul removes the destructive influence of false teaching, and replaces them with the truth of the Word of God. This is our task also as we are confronted in our culture, and our churches, with the poison of false teachings. There is so much of these false teachers among us, as there is also those who are not intentionally false, but are in error concerning the Scripture. The main thrust of Paul’s teaching in this letter is to deal with the false teachings, and mis-information concerning the “Day of the Lord”.
Paul begins the letter in much the same way as he did most of his letters. He desired for the church to continue to receive the grace and peace that comes from God through Jesus. Paul expresses how thankful he is for this church, and how he is blessed at their faithfulness in the midst of much persecution. He reminds them that God is watching over them, and will repay those who come against them for His Name sake. Their destruction is sure, and it will be God who will bring this upon them…their destruction will be eternal and they will be separated from God forever. Paul encourages the church by letting them know that he is always praying for them. If you are anything like me…you have people that you want praying for you as you walk through this life. Paul reassured them that he was covering them in prayer…and that more than anything else that Jesus would be glorified in them as they walked through the fires of persecution. I believe we all want to live lives that glorify Jesus in all that we say and do…let’s pray for each other that God would make it so in each of our lives.
Please share your thoughts from today’s reading.