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Writer's picturePastor Tony Pierce



After Paul shared in chapter 4 about what happens to those who die in the Lord, and to those who will be on earth at His return for His people, Paul now talks about...” the day of the Lord”. The day he is speaking about is not a 24-hour day, but a specific period of time. Similar to someone saying, “they lived in the day of the Vikings”. The time that is coming on the whole earth. Taken in a chronological order found in this letter Paul seems to be saying that the Lord will come for His people, and catch them up (rapture), to be with Him…then the day of the Lord begins. Paul tells them that the Lord will come as, “a thief in the night” …in other words at a time that is not expected, and that few, if any, will be ready for. The world will be declaring peace and safety, but then sudden destruction comes upon the whole earth. Those who are genuinely followers know the times and the seasons, and though we do not know the day or the hour, we can live expectantly for the promise of God to be fulfilled…we are not surprised that Jesus is coming, and what He will bring upon this unbelieving world. Paul reminds us that we do not fear the day of the Lord, for God has not appointed us for wrath, but for salvation…quite frankly, I do not believe we will be here. There is the comfort for we believers in the terrible wrath and judgment of God that is coming.

As we wait with anticipation for the Lord to return first for us, and then to return to this earth for His judgment, we are called to live holy lives. We are to receive admonishment from those the Lord has appointed as spiritual leaders in our lives. We are required to esteem them highly in the Lord, for the works sake, and in order to live in the peace of God. We are to deal biblically with those who cause division and live unruly lives. We do not render evil for evil, but we respond with the good of God in all things. Finally, we are to rejoice always…pray without ceasing…give thanks in all things…do not quench the Holy Spirit…do not despise the clear declaration of God’s word…test all things, and hold on to what is good…and we are to abstain from every form of evil. In these things we will experience the God of peace, and His sanctifying work in our lives…remembering that He who has called us is faithful to accomplish everything that He has called us to.

Please share your thoughts from today’s reading.


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