First, HAPPY THANKSGIVING everyone! I hope and pray your day is great, and we each realize how blessed we are. Take some time today to tell the Lord ”thank you”, for His great blessings.
In our reading John puts the onus on us to test the spirits. He is speaking of the spirits that speak through the various teachers/ preachers, and prophets. Not all speak empowered by the Holy Spirit…some are led by demonic spirits. How do we test them? It’s not according to how we feel about them, or if they are charismatic, or is they have a huge following. God has given us His Word, by which we are required to test all teacher/preachers and prophets…if they don’t square up with God’s Word, we mark them and avoid them. That being said, remember that Jesus is the “benchmark” of all things…if anyone gets Jesus wrong, it does not matter what else they get right…they are wrong. Those who are of the world will speak and teach the things of the world…if they teach anti biblical carnal lies, it’s because they are anti biblical carnal liars! Those who are of God, will teach the truths of God.
John reminds us of the priority of love. Not love that is based in feelings and emotionalism. But, genuine biblical love that gives, while walking and speaking God’s truth. Someone who does not love biblically does not know God. God is love! He showed His great love toward us by giving His Son. Genuine love always gives. Our testimony that Jesus is Messiah, the Son of God, proves that we know God. For no one can know God apart from Jesus. Those who say they believe in God, but don’t believe in Jesus are just fooling themselves…for it is impossible to reject Jesus and believe in God. We love Him because He first loved us…and His perfect love casts out all fear.
Please share your thoughts on today’s reading.