MAY 12 READINGS...Psalm 61-62 & 64-67
I love the way David expresses himself when he talks about who God is in his life. He calls God a "towering rock of safety"...a "safe refuge"...a "shelter" "rock and my salvation" "fortress"...and my "victory". Aren't these great words that express how wonderful our God is? All of these word pictures teach us that God is everything we need in order to be protected in this world and into eternity. God is not some nebulas being existing somewhere in the cosmos...He is a very personal God, who is intimately involved in the lives of His children. Without Him we would be in desperate trouble and without hope...we would be easy prey for the enemy of our souls. In God we have safety, a refuge, shelter from attacks, security and salvation, and victory over all the evil that comes against us. Thank you, God, for being everything I need in this life...I am so glad that you are my salvation.
I so enjoyed Psalm 65 in our readings today. It is a great Psalm of praise to how mighty our God is. Yet in all His mightiness, He still takes time to hear and answer our prayers. Have you ever spent time thinking how wonderful it is that the God who created the universe cares about what you have to say? He never pushes you aside, nor does He ignore your prayers. He is a God who hears, and answers our prayers. He will always answer the requests of His children...and He will always answer perfectly. You and I can know that He will answer...His answer will be yes, no, not yet my child, or let me show you something even greater than that for which you asked. David tells us that God is faithful to answer our prayers...and He will do so with His "awesome deeds". So, we who belong to God should "SHOUT" joyful praises to God! We ought to tell of His glorious deeds...we ought to sing His praises. We are blessed so greatly with our great God...let's open our mouths and declare His praise to the whole earth!
Please share how the Lord spoke to you through His Word as you read this morning. Have a great day walking with your great God!
TOMORROW'S READINGS...Psalm 68-70 & 86 & 101