It seems that people are happy with the Lord, and His messengers, as long as they get the “truth” they want. The truth has never really been desired by humanity, and it is not today. Elisha was called by God, and as such was required only to speak the Lord’s truth. This did not make him popular with the powers that be, or with those who wanted to do evil…deceiving themselves that they remained in good standing with God. Nothing has changed, people today want to live in all kinds of ungodliness, and declare that God is okay with their ungodly lives. Then they get angry at anyone who would attempt to tell them the truth…that you cannot be living in sin, and be right with God. God always shows up to take care of His messengers…He did for Elisha when they were surrounded by the Syrian army…then God blinded the army. Famine followed, just as the man of God said it would…and the king of Syria wanted to blame the prophet for that which the king was responsible for. In Mark, Jesus continues to have opposition from the religious leaders…these should have been the ones to first receive, and then share the message, of the Messiah. But, they instead, in their blindness, resisted Jesus at every turn, and attempted to catch Him in some sin. In the midst of opposition, Jesus continued the ministry that He came to do. You will receive opposition when you speak the things of God, and when you do the ministry of God…do them anyway. Ultimately, you and I will answer to God…not to the voices of opposition.
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