JANUARY 4 READINGS…Genesis 11:1-26, 1 Chronicles 1:24-27, Genesis Genesis11:27-14:24.
Once again it is my hope that you are being blessed by reading through the Bible chronologically here in 2021…we are just getting started, I encourage you to stay the course…you will be blessed.
As I read today’s reading two thing stuck out to me. The first is the continued desire for mankind to make a name for themselves apart from God. The attempt to build a city for themselves. The statement “for themselves” is not so much a desire for a place to live, but more of a monument to the greatness of man. It really was a slap in the face of God, telling Him that they could live without Him. The unification of humanity here in Genesis is a precursor to the unification of humanity that is happening right now in our time…and both are based on humanity shaking their fist in the face of God, declaring they don’t need God! We now live in a time of unprecedented global unification, and soon a “Nimrod” will appear to do the final work of unification and rebellion against God. Mankind does not change on their own…the only possible hope for humanity is found in Christ Jesus.
The second part of our reading that impressed me was the beginning of the story of Abram. He was a man of faith, no doubt, even though he was not perfect…ie. the lie about Sarai to Pharaoh. I am amazed at Abram’s relationship with God, and his obedience to the commands of God in his life…we all know that this will lead to Abram obeying God in an incredible way in the future. God was faithful to Abram no matter where he went…in Haran, in Canaan, in Egypt. We see the Lord setting the stage to establish the unconditional covenant between Himself and Abraham. Finally, we have the Priest of the Most High God, Melchizedek come on the scene and bless Abram….and we see Abram give a tithe to the King. A question for you…to whom do we give a tithe, but to the Lord…Melchizedek was clearly authorized to receive the Lord’s tithe.
What impressions did you receive as you read today? Please share them below. Bless you as you read God’s marvelous Word.
Tomorrow’s reading…Genesis 15-17.