In today’s reading we are reminded of the consequences of taking our eyes off of God…and doing things our own way. In Genesis we have the death of both Jacob and Joseph…then there is clearly time between the end of Genesis and the beginning of Exodus. There came a time when a pharaoh rose to power that did not know Joseph,and had no obligation to the people of Israel. They had prospered so much in Egypt, just like the Lord told Abraham they would. So much so that the Egyptians began to worry about them, and made them slaves. Do not be mistaken, they were in this position because of their disobedience to God. Their enslavement was the result of a people whose leader’s did not follow God, and the people followed their example. Ungodly leadership, left unchecked, will produce an ungodly people.
In Matthew, Jesus speaks of the ungodly religious leaders in Israel at the time of His ministry. The members of the religious ruling body, the Sanhedrin, were not followers of God, but followers of their man made religion. They had convinced themselves they were of God, but they were godless. Jesus pronounced judgement on them because of their hypocrisy and false teachings…their mistreatment of widows…their making of false disciples…their doing the least possible for God, but acting like they were doing great things…their filthy hearts covered by a pious facade…and finally, by their pride. These religious leaders were leading Israel away from God, and bringing the judgment of God on the nation. Nothing has changed in 2000 years…it is happening in our time.
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