In our reading today Jesus uses parables (analogies of common events) to explain to people about the kingdom of God. These teachings stood in opposition to the teachings of God’s Scripture by the religious leaders of the Jewish people. Jesus uses the sowing of seed on different types of ground, and what happens to that seed to illustrate what happens when the Word of God is shared. In the parable the sower is always the same, and the seed is exactly the same…the only variable is the type of soil the seed lands on. The seed is the Word of God, the sower is the Holy Spirit, and the soil represents the heart of those to whom the Holy Spirit gives the Word of God. Jesus uses wheat and tares to teach that even in the church there will be those who claim to believe, but actually do not…the Lord will ultimately judge between the genuine and the counterfeit. The Lord then uses a mustard seed and leaven to speak about how things can start out small but will multiply greatly. This is true of both righteousness and unrighteousness. Jesus teaches us the true value of what He offers to those who believe in the parables of the pearl and hidden treasure. Jesus finally uses the parable of the dragnet to speak of both the harvest of souls that is to come…some harvested to everlasting life, and some to everlasting damnation. Jesus is rejected by those in Nazareth, for the would not believe that the carpenter’s son could be Messiah.
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