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Writer's picturePastor Tony Pierce


JANUARY 16 READING…GENESIS 31 & MATTHEW 9 (Note I did Matthew 10 in yesterday’s writing)

Today’s theme is that God can use anybody…yes even you and me. In Genesis we are reminded that Jacob, who is the father of the nation of Israel was far from a perfect man. Reminds me of a question I was asked today, on this MLK Day, about MLK…”was he a good man or a bad man?” My answer was that he was a flawed human that God used to do many good things. He was not perfect, but neither are we. I am so glad that God is greater than our faults and finite abilities to do anything. Jacob had many issues, yet God had a great plan for him and his descendants. This shows us that it is really God’s plan that matters…He allows us to be part of what He is doing, not because we are worthy, but because of His grace and mercy. Jacob in our readings was finally able to get away from Laban, his corrupt father-in—law. This enabled him to get back to his land with his family…though there was still much change that would need to come for Jacob. Jacob’s family would also suffer from the dysfunctional atmosphere created by him. We must remember that there are always consequences for our actions. That being said, God is not restricted by our actions, be they good or bad.

In Matthew we see the call of Matthew. Remember Matthew did not have a great reputation among the people, for he was a tax collector. The Jews that were tax collectors we considered traitors to Israel…and many times they both abused and cheated the people in order to get the tax money…not much has changed. They were not known for their mercy, but notice that Jesus offered mercy to Matthew. The Lord has given us mercy…and he can use we flawed people for His wonderful purpose. The disciples were sent to those in need of Christ’s mercy, not those who were self-righteous. We see Jesus healing many people…his healing was not based on any merit of their own, but upon the grace and mercy of God. Aren’t you glad and thankful for the grace and mercy of God?

Please share your thoughts.


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