Our reading in Isaiah today brings us a clearer picture of the coming Messiah. We all know through history, and through the Scripture, that when Jesus came the nation of Israel rejected Him, because He did not fit their concept of Messiah. Their concept of Messiah was off…it was not that they were misinformed, but that they were willfully ignorant. They had proved it in the past in the selection of Saul as Israel’s first king…that they wanted to be like other nations. The people were again looking for a Messiah that looked like the political and military leaders of other countries. They could have known what Messiah would be like, if they would have just read and believed what Isaiah told them. Messiah was to be the redeemer of Israel, not from military oppression, but from the oppression of sin. Messiah would point the nation of Israel back to it’s God. He would bring good news…proclaim peace…bring glad tidings of good things…and He would proclaim the salvation of the Lord. He would remind the people of Zion that only God reigns. Revelation 17, first describes for us the final false church…and then it speaks of the destruction of this church. Don’t be misled…the word “church” here is not speaking of anything godly, but a religious body filled with ungodliness, committing blasphemy. This horrid church even takes part in the killing of God’s genuine people. She is a harlot, who commits spiritual adultery with the political and economic powers in the world. She uses all the trappings of a genuine religious organization, but she is demonic, and is contrary to everything that comes from God. She will find her end when the ungodly powers turn on her and cast her aside like the prostitute that she is.
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