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Writer's picture: Pastor Tony PiercePastor Tony Pierce

DECEMBER 21, 2021 READINGS... Hebrews 13:1-25 & 1 Peter 1:1-2:3

The book of Hebrews ends with the admonition for we believers to love each other as brothers and sisters. We are part of the same family…we belong together. We may not always agree with one another, but we are commanded to love one another. Satan hates this, and he is always busy doing all that he can to cause division, resentment, and trying to get people to leave the church. One of the great concerns I have about the COVID issue it that Satan would use it to cause discension in the church. We get so angry that everyone does not agree with us about vaccinations, the source of COVID, and the things that the government is and isn’t doing, that we begin to judge, accuse, and sadly in some cases even hate one another. We have to start living and treating one another as if we really believe that, “Great is He who lives in us, then he who lives in the world.” Don’t let Satan cause you to lose focus…keep your eyes on Jesus and love another. We are reminded that God will never fail us, or abandon us. We are encouraged to know that since the Lord is our helper, we should have no fear what people might do to us. The writer closes by instruction concern remembering those who minister the Word to us, and lead us in spiritual truth and life.

We begin 1 Peter today…a book that was written by Peter probably shortly before the outbreak of persecution under Nero in AD 64. Peter makes it clear that we are the elect of God, according to the foreknowledge of God, sanctified by the Holy Spirit, through the sacrifice of Jesus. I love that he begins this book and in the second verse he declares the truth of the Trinity. Peter begins the “meat’ of the book by declaring the hope we have of eternal life. He tells us that it is by the grace of God we have been born again…and this promise is made sure by the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Peter calls us to living holy lives…again we are reminded that when we come to Jesus we are changed, and that change impacts the way we live. Peter speaks of our wonderful salvation…and that God plays no favorites. Salvation is only through the sacrifice of Christ Jesus. Through Jesus we come to trust in God…who raised Jesus from the dead. We were cleansed from our sins…and again have been called to love one another. We have been given the eternal Word of God that speaks the truth of God into our lives. So, we are to get rid of evil behavior and crave the pure “milk” of the Word.

Please share your thoughts on what you have read.

TOMORROW’S READINGS… 1 Peter 2:4-5:11

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