AUGUST 31 READINGS...Ezekiel 37:1-39:29 & 32:1-16
Today we have passages that many are familiar with…even a song came out of part of our readings, “Dem Bones”. The first section of our reading I believe to be prophetic even for us, that is, as of right now this prophecy has not been fulfilled (others hold different views). Ezekiel’s vision of the valley of dry bones has to do with Israel…verse 11 makes this clear. The question is when will this happen, or has it happened? I believe this will happen when Israel turns and believes in her Messiah, this is yet to happen. The prophet Zechariah stated in chapter 12:10 of his book…” And I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and pleas for mercy, so that, when they look on me, on him whom they have pierced, they shall mourn for him, as one mourns for an only child, and weep bitterly over him, as one weeps over a firstborn.” The Apostle John affirmed this in his Gospel, which shows it had yet to happen (John 19:37). Ezekiel tells us the Judah and Israel will be reunited, that the Lord would gather Israel from the nations, and bring them home. This prophecy again refers to the end of the age…it is not until the time of Revelation that we have a listing of all of Israel back together (Revelation 7). Then Ezekiel speaks of a great battle where God will put a hook in Gog’s mouth and drag them down to make war with Israel from the distant north. Gog (Russia) will be aligned with Persia (Iran), Ethiopia, Libya, Gomer (Turkey), and come against Israel. This war has yet to happen, and depending on your view, will happen before the tribulation, or some hold this speaks of Armageddon. God promises to destroy this mighty army, and protect the nation of Israel. Of course, it needs to be said that in order for this war to happen, Israel must be in the land…they are, and they will be in the land, fulfilling God’s prophetic word. Ezekiel tells us that once again “David” will sit on the throne of the reunited kingdom…this is a Messianic prophecy, that speaks of Jesus.
The last part of today’s reading is in reference to Egypt. You will remember that the people asked Jeremiah whether they should stay in the land, after Nebuchadnezzar destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple, or go down to Egypt for protection. The Lord told Jeremiah to tell them to stay in the land…of course the people ignored the words of the Lord, and went down to Egypt. Now, Ezekiel prophesies the fall and destruction of Egypt by the Babylonian army. And once again in their disobedience the people of Judah find themselves facing the judgment of God as it falls on Egypt. Egypt, like Judah, thought themselves invincible…God shows them that they were not. We live in a time when our own nation considers itself invincible…no one could touch us. Oh, be careful America about your pride…for it is when you think it is impossible for you to fall sudden destruction will come upon you. When the judgment of God falls upon a nation…you can be sure that nation will fall. One has to ask themselves the question… “Why is the great nation of America not even inferred in end time prophecy?”
Please share your thoughts from today’s reading. I know there are different interpretations of these passages. Most importantly, keep your eyes on Jesus, and don’t be deceived by the “prince of this world”.
TOMORROW’S READINGS…Ezekiel 32:17-33:20 & Jeremiah 52:28-30 & Psalm 137 & 1 Chronicles 4:24-5:17