Who is Jesus? Jesus is God! Jesus is the Word who was with God…Jesus is the Word who is God. John tells us the Word became flesh, He is the only begotten of the Father. This is called the Incarnation…eternal God taking on the flesh of His own creation. John tells us that all things through Him, and nothing exists apart from Him. He is life itself, and He is the Giver of life. He is light…His light shines in the darkness and drives it away. Sadly, when He came He was rejected…sadly, today there are those who still reject Him. The apostate preachers/teachers create a “Jesus” that makes them comfortable, they recreate their “Jesus” in their own corrupt image. Jesus is who He eternally is, and is not subject to change to fit humanity’s ever-changing godless mores. We must receive Him for who He is. When we do we have the promise of makes us the very children of God…as we believe on His Name. Jesus came to this earth to reveal His Father. We know God ONLY through Jesus…if you reject Jesus, you reject God. No one can know the Father except through the Son.
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