What can you say about a man who can raise another man who has been dead and buried for four days? For me…I say He is the Son of God, He is God Himself, and He is the Savior of all who believe in Him. Jesus had a friend named Lazarus who became sick and died. Lazarus’ sisters Mary and Martha sent for Jesus to help their brother when he was still alive, but Jesus was delayed and Lazarus died. I want to make a statement right here…Jesus is NEVER delayed…He is always right on time. Yes, from our perspective it does seem like the Lord sometimes is not there on time, but we must remember that nothing gets by Jesus, and it is His timing that we need to trust…even when we don’t understand. Mary and Martha really felt if Jesus would have arrived earlier Lazarus would still be alive. Jesus showed them that God had a plan for what they were going through…and that in the end both Lazarus would rise from the dead and God would be glorified. Those around Jesus either didn’t know what to think, or they did not believe, and this hurt the heart of the Savior. Jesus called Lazarus out of the tomb, and this man who had died four days earlier stood up and walked out of the grave…Hallelujah! Jesus has the power over the grave…and one day all who have put their faith in Him will rise up out of their grave and forever be with the Lord.
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