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Writer's picture: Pastor Tony PiercePastor Tony Pierce


In our reading today Jesus takes time to witness to one person, and then two different groups of people. He starts by witnessing to the Samaritan woman at the well. The Scripture tells us that Jesus needed to go through Samaria, which was not the usual route for an orthodox Jew. The Jews had little use for the Samaritans and would go out of their way to avoid them. Jesus needed to go through Samaria because He had a divine appointment with this woman. She was a woman with a sinful past, she was even at the well when no other women from the community would be there… clearly, she was shunned by the “decent” women. But she met Jesus there and He asked her for a drink, which stunned her that He would talk to her, much less take a drink from her. Jesus begins to tell her of the eternal living water, as He also tells her all the she has done. He talks to her about true worship, and that He was the Messiah. She responds in belief and then goes to the community to tell them about Jesus. His disciples return from getting food, and Jesus is no longer hungry, for He was filled with doing the will of His Father. He tried to tell them of the only food that satisfies, and that they needed to open their eyes to the fields that were ripe for the harvest of the souls of people. The people of the community came and asked Jesus to stay and share with them, He did so for two days, and then many in the community came to faith as the met the Messiah.

Jesus left Samaria and returns to the region of the Galilee. The people there eagerly greet and welcome Jesus, for many of them had gone to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover, and had seen the miraculous things He had done there. When Jesus came to the town of Cana there was a nobleman whose son was sick in Capernaum, this man journeyed to Cana to implore Jesus to come and heal his son. Jesus chastises the people for continually seeking a sign in order to believe. The nobleman believed Jesus could heal His son and asked Him to come before his son died. Jesus just spoke the word and told the man to return to his son, for his son was healed and would live. As he was heading home his servants came to tell him that his son was healed. The nobleman asked when it had happened, and the servant told him the time…immediately he knew it was the exact time that Jesus spoke to him. He then believed and put his trust in Jesus.

Please share your thoughts from today’s reading.


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